But no....life is pretty much the same each day atm, although, I have managed to learn a couple of new things (work related regrettably) since my promise to myself to try and do that.
Work is actually boring me again! *sigh* I do this. I start a job and survive on the stress until I've pretty much mastered it and then it's like....Ummmm...."NEXT".
The promises of those in senior management have not yet come to fruition but i'm hopeful that this year, I'll expand my knowledge and who knows, one day, I might just run the show! *lol* I'm cheeky enough and bossy enough I guess. One thing about me is I'll tell you straight...whether you're the boss or not. I'm not one to hold back with my opinion. Not that i'm rude or nasty, I just believe it's best to be upfront and if there's a problem or you have something to say, say it to the person concerned. I've never gone in for this behind your back gossipy bullshit.
I think working with men only for a lot of my working life has taught me a lot. I don't do girlie bitching. That's not to say I can't work with women, I have and do and have made some good girlfriends but truth be told, I prefer to work with men! *L*
So what to do??? The thing is, I'm paid pretty well for what i'm doing and i've done my research, I know that i'd probably need some further education and/or training to get a job with higher salary than I already am.
What would be really good would be to get into the education system....All those holidays...and they are paid pretty well too (I'm talking administrative staff, not teachers). Then, I could have lots of time off and get some part time work or do some study during those times.
Having said that, I've got the perfect hours coz I get in very early and so I leave early too and it's pretty much come and go as you want. As long as I'm doing what i'm supposed to, I can just work times to suit myself. You can't get that everywhere.
The most excitement i've had this week is that we've just had two new roller shutters installed (Woooooo! *LOL*) but actually, it's well overdue on my eldest daughter's room since she's had to put up with no significant window treatments since we moved in (coming up 6yrs in May). The sun comes into her room and the neighbours have a security light that is prone to go on randomly due to wind or whatever else but now, she's finally got some black shutters and the spare room also. Now we've just got to pay for them (hellishly expensive) but they do interest free payment terms so you can't really grumble about that!
Well, this has turned out to be more of a diary entry than a blog so I'm sorry about that!
I'm considering making something up so I appear more "windswept and interesting" to coin a Billy Connolly phrase.
Take care, Blessed be
C x
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