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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Being single in your 40's

I've got a couple of friends who are single, one of which has very recently seperated from their partner and i've been watching and commenting on the various aspects of dealing with things like dating and breaking up.

It's made me think about a few things and I guess to analyse my own situation a little deeper.

As you may, or may not know, i'm divorced and have been in a relationship for coming up 9 years. There's no driving desire to get married or anything. Perhaps 4 or 5 years ago it was something I felt was important but for one reason and another (primarily I guess coz I wasn't asked! *lol*) it didn't happen and now, I feel kind of over it if that makes sense? I guess I just don't need to be married and figure that life is going to take it's course regardless of whether I have that piece of paper and if I'm perfectly honest with myself, I suppose that it makes things less complicated if anything were to happen and the relationship ended.

I think marriage is a wonderful thing by the way. I'm not so jaded as not to think anyone should get married but I just don't think it's all that important anymore. It would be nice to go to a wedding though *l* I love weddings and I suppose i'm at the age where they just don't happen that frequently unless you have a large family and lots of neices and nephews or your own children are at that age.

If anything, I think that I would rather have a commitment ceremony (and in my case, it would be a handfasting) but even that is not something I have on my "must get done" list. If it happens, it does.

I'm thinking back and remembering what it was like to be single and having to go through that whole dating and meeting new people process. It's a lot easier when you are younger of course as you tend to move around in large groups or come into contact with a lot of people by the very social life that you lead but as you get older, it becomes a little more difficult.

Between my seperation and becoming involved with my current relationship, I guess there was a period of around 18 months where I was single. I gotta say, that those 18 months were probably the greatest learning time of my life. I did a lot of stuff then that I look back on now and think, OMG, risky!!! Having said that though, I got a lot of very positive stuff from it, even though sometimes it felt crap at the time, now, I appreciate that it was part of my learning path and necessary for me to grow.

I'm happy in my current relationship. Not like ecstatic or anything. I don't mean to sound at all negative or anything either. I guess it's the familiarity and it's become kind of "my life" now. We had some serious issues in the early years but I truly think they were things I needed to go through and lessons that I needed to learn. I'm more empathetic and definitely less judgemental because of those issues. I truly believe we need to go through some things just purely for the experience of them and to, hopefully, learn from them.

I wouldn't care to be out there trying to find the right partner at my age anymore. I hope that I don't ever have to do that again but, I'm a practical type person and I never say never. Let's face it, I would never have got married in the first place had I thought it would fail. You must never go into something thinking about when it might end or you'd drive yourself mad.

I hope these lovely ladies I know find what they are looking for and I'm certain that at the right time and when it matters, they will. In the meantime, all I can do is send them positive energy and lots of loving thoughts and keep reminding them how beautiful and deserving they are.

Blessed be,
C xxx


  1. Goood post!!

    I was all set to be married this Friday.
    Im not now... just in case.
    I wish I hadnt called it off. Oh well.

    : )

  2. Oh well thankyou...whomever you are! *L*

    I'm sorry about your wedding because it sounds as though you really might be having some misgivings but there must have been something inside you that made you take that drastic step in the first place.

    Maybe you need to revisit what it was?

    I do hope the "just in case" didn't mean, in case it failed! We can have failures in life and experience from them but we can't experience anything if we don't push ahead in the first place.

    Thanks for posting. I appreciate it :)
    Blessed be

  3. Wow, singledom...been a while for me since I've been there now, John & I have been together for 9 years! I remember a time in my life however when the thought of being single was the most terrifying thing that could have happened, it wasn't until I had to face it that I actually overcame it and even enjoyed it but man that fear was so overwelming. I don't know why I was so scared to be single, probably had something to do with not seeing myself as being worthy of a relationship or love and thinking I would be alone forever...that would possibly explain the choices in men I made at that time in my life also. Looking back now, that time I had on my own, well not entirely on my own as I always had Alycia, was probably one of the largest periods of personal growth of my life. I remember everything we brought for the house was pink for girl power...Spice Girls were big back then, Alycia & I both did alot of healing in that house, the relationship I came from had left us both severely scarred but that's another story. Funnily enough, once I became comfortable with my own company, I met John!

  4. Probs coz you had learnt whatever lesson it was you needed to Kel and then, you were able to give yourself again and that's where John comes in. I believe that everything in this universe is destined but that with our freedom of choice, we can change that destiny by the choices we make...good or bad! xx
