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Friday, January 15, 2010

Everybody's working for the weekend.........

Or hanging out for it in any event! Isn't it bizarre how we kind of wish our lives away really by looking forward to weekends coz they are our days off?

I've tried so hard over the years to "make each day count" and try to do something positive or constructive but often, I find myself just going along with each day and then wondering what the hell I have been doing. You know when people ask you, "How you doing, what you been up to?" and mostly, the best I can say is, "oh you know, same ole same ole, work, home blah blah". How fkn exciting is that????

I think i'm going to have to get my shit together and try to, at least, do something each day that I can go....yep, learnt something, did something new, tried something new, made a difference to somebody.

So much I would liked to have done (probably could still if I really put my mind to it)....Study law (don't you think i'd be a great lawyer? *L*), Write a novel, Own and run a stunningly successful Cafe, Get my soy candle making business going, get my motorbike licence. Hmmmm, that's quite a list already and they are right off the top of my head!

Moreover, this year, I really want to make sure that I'm in regular contact with dear friends, get to know new friends a whole lot better and maybe make some more.

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