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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where does the time go?

It's very nearly that time where the kids go back to school but for me, this year, there are two things that will be different. My eldest daughter is going to Tafe, a whole different world to High School and my youngest daughter is now an "upper school" kid so that changes the dynamics for her too.

I'm having tomorrow off so that we can go to the high school and pay the fees, get the books and new uniform (of course, they change if for the final 2 years which actually, I think is great) and then on to Tafe to pay fees and hopefully, take a bit of a look around.

It's kind of weird to think that these tiny little girls of mine are now pretty much grown and man, I'm soooooo proud of how they have turned out. Of course, there's the bits and pieces that crop up that give me the shits but I truly count my blessings that "touch wood" there have been no incidents that have caused me to panic or lose the plot. There are a lot of kids out there that do make mistakes and they don't neccessarily come from a bad homelife, sometimes, things do just happen and when you have a relatively easy run yourself, well, all you can do is thank the Goddess (or whomever you choose).

I know we all think our kids are the best thing since sliced bread and that's fair enough but for me, personally, I feel like my girls are not only my daughters but also my friends and that's how I want it to stay.

I'm very much looking forward to the next few years and watching them develop even further and expanding their outlooks and sharing in their dreams and aspirations and just being there for them and with them.

I love my girls so very much :) Bet you love your kids equally :)


  1. Im with you.....they certainly have done us proud thus far. Life isnt without its trials but thankfully they've all been minor and hope they stay that way!.

    I do remember when the christmas break used to drag...on and was all about how can I keep them occupied but now it seems to be ummm where are you going, when will you be back.

    Well its all part of the journey, and one that I wouldnt change for the world

  2. So sorry for the late response to this honey...I'm soooo very slack on this :(

    I agree. Every day, month, week is over in the blink of an eye it seems to me and every moment of that time, they are growing and doing stuff and well...... just being their own person I guess.

    I agree...Let's not change it but I'm about to rant about I might seem contradictory but you'll understand, I'm sure :) xx Love you.
