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Monday, January 25, 2010

Stray - ya

Well, it's the eve of another Australia Day.

What does it mean to you I wonder? Do you feel anything or is it just a public holiday?

I sense that the mood is shifting somewhat and people are becoming more public and noticable with their "Australianism" This, I think, is a good thing. As long as it is for what it is. (ie. no political statements, no racial slurs)

I don't go as far as to put the flags up on my car, although, i've seen plenty of those during the last probably 2 weeks at least. It's kinda cute. Not my scene but out there, in a good way.

Today, we've got Ray Martin calling for (or bringing up probably more appropriate) the debate about abolishing the Union Jack from our flag. That's a very interesting topic coz it's not the "We shouldn't be a Commonwealth State" "There's no room for the Royal Family" argument, it's about OUR flag.

Ok, best be coming clean I suppose. I come from England in the very broadest of senses in that I was conceived there, to English parents, who emmigrated to Australia when I was six. I have absolutely NO allegiance to Britain or the UK whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, I'm an Australian.

I do think the British Royalty has it's place but it's predominately in Britain and although it's kind of nice when they visit...what fkn difference does it really make if they do or don't???

I'm of the firm belief that we ought to have our own identity now. We are no longer a colony full of the dregs of English society who were shipped to our shores as punishment. Ok, there are probably some who should still fall into that category *l* but for the most part, the immigrants are the people who have made this country what it is...multicultural, diverse, free and absolutely fantastic!

You will go hard to find someone who loves this country more than I. Yep, there are things that piss me off and yep, sometimes I do bitch and moan but mostly, I look at my life, how it is, how free I am and I compare it to others and I think....Girl, you are soooooo fkn lucky.

So in essence, what does being Australian mean to you? What does Australia day mean?

I'm proud as punch to be an Aussie. My girls are Australian born and bred and I hope, so will be my grandchildren eventually. Australia day heralds a time to be thankful and to just celebrate what we do best....relax, enjoy, laugh and be with family and friends. What more to life should there be???

A very Happy, Happy Australia day to you all.

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