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Monday, February 1, 2010

For the love of the Goddess Woman, just let it go!!!!!........

I feel lost and lonely today. It's not unusual for me. I do believe that sometimes I have depressive tendancies but that sounds lame, given that I know people that actually do suffer depression and have to deal with it daily and in a lot of cases, with medication so.....yeah Claire, just suck it up eh?


I can't go into the main reason for me feeling crap today. Probably because it's not really my story to tell and also, because to share it would be somehow dishonourable to the person but what I do want to do is say how "I" feel. I'm sorry to do this and I do hope you'll just indulge me......

This rant might be multiple pronged. It might not....I'm just writing now, exactly as I feel and how I type (trying to pick up typo's as I go *L*)

People let you down don't they? *shrug* We all know that, I can see you going "yeah......geez woman, fact of life!" And I do know it is. But the beauty of this thing is that I can just type and albeit that some of you may read it and make your own judgements about it, well, that's just all the better for me. I'd rather hear it that not.

I've been, for a very many years now, struggling with someone else's problem. Something that should, by my reasoning anyway, have been solved by now. Been fixed...been done with. But, that's MY reasoning and it appears, as it rears it's ugly head once more, that my reasoning is perhaps not that of the other party :)

The trouble is, that every time......every single time it occurs, a little piece of me dies. First, there's tears and selfish suffering, then there's anger and then there's just...WTF do I do now.....Again......

I'm not a fool. I don't suffer fools gladly but you know what, in this I AM A FKN FOOL.

I hadn't meant to actually write all this. I'm actually hoping you won't see it because I had other things to rant on but somehow, now.....I just feel like "shutup".

As I say, this forum is primarily for myself as an outlet but I've put it out there and people are welcome to comment or not.

Blessed be.
C xx


  1. Hey Claire. I've not been reading lately so my comment is very late! But, it's YOUR blog, rant away, is all I have to say xxxx

    Hope you're feeling a bit better now :o)

  2. Hey Frankie,
    Cheers! Yeah, it was definitely an outlet for me that day and i've not been writing either.....thought i'd best come see what, if anything was going on.

    Ty for your comment xx :)
